Nice sale from Baltimore to Asuncion via Panama City with COPA. These flights feature a combination of recliner seats and lie flat so pleas...

Nice sale from Baltimore to Asuncion via Panama City with COPA. These flights feature a combination of recliner seats and lie flat so pleas...
Decent? sale with ZIPAIR from Tokyo-Narita to Manila on an LCC with a Business class seat and that's it. Basically e verything else is o...
Decent sale with China Southern from Osaka to Xi’an via Beijing . You can credit these flights to American Airlines as 3354 RDMs but not...
Another sale this time with Finnair from New York to Budapest via Helsinki. American Airlines Executive Platinum flyers obtain 24681 LPs , P...
Nice sale with Turkish Airlines from Washington DC to Vienna via Istanbul, Turkey. These fares book into J Class which credit to most progra...
Featuring a sale from Narita to Cairo via Shanghai and is a great way to get MQDs or XPs at an affordable rate. Not many reports of in-f...
Nice sale for service between Sao Paulo and Lisboa via Casablanca, Morocco with RAM. Li sboa is a lovely city see our Trip Report here an...